When the mosquito bites a dog he then deposits this larvae in the bloodstream of the dog. This parasite then travels to the heart of the dog, where it matures. This process takes about 6 or 7 months.
Sometimes heartworm is not detected until the parasites are traveling from the dog’s heart to his lungs. At this stage, it usually produces cough and might be misdiagnosed as lung cancer.
Hundreds of dogs die yearly from canine heartworm. This disease attacks their internal organs, mainly the heart and the lungs, and also the liver and kidneys.
It is much easier to prevent canine heartworm than to treat it. Natural care prevention should be sought in the care of your dog. The reason is that conventional medicine often treats the dog for an illness while causing organ damage because of the chemicals that are used in these medications.
A natural diet and proper health care are what is best for your dog. Many of the vaccines and drugs which are administered yearly are not necessary and in fact are damaging to your dog. The animal health care industry is thriving and making billions of dollars by overly treating our dogs unnecessarily.
Do you know that you can take part in the health care of your dog, whether it be canine heartworm or any other illnesses? Don’t lose your dog to these unethical treatments which are really endangering him. Learn how to treat your dog and make him healthier and happier with the right health care which will also make him live longer.
Here is the #1 pet home remedy to take care of your dog for canine heartworm and other diseases.
Join the thousands who love to take care of their pets with natural pet home remedies that work.
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