Heartworm is transmitted only by mosquito bites from mosquitoes that have picked up the heartworm parasite from biting an infected animal. When the mosquito bites a dog he then inserts the larvae into the bloodstream of the dog. This larvae makes its way to the heart of the dog, where the parasites mature into adulthood. From there they travel to the lungs, affecting both the heart and the lungs of the dog.
As it is hard to detect heartworm, by the time it is detected the animal has usually already suffered damage to his heart and lungs. Heartworm can also affect the liver and kidneys.
The conventional treatment for heartworm in dogs is usually a pill given daily or monthly. These pills are actually not preventative. They treat the baby parasites so that they don’t develop into adults. It does not stop the dog from contracting heartworm.
This medication is very toxic to the dogs. Their body recognizes it as poison and has to work hard to get rid of the toxins. Their livers and kidneys are affected in time. This treatment harms their immune system and they may develop different illnesses, as their bodies have become weakened to fight off the bacteria in the environment.
It is very good to become aware that we are treating our dogs with very harmful chemicals that are actually killing them, so that we can do something about it. We can learn how to treat them with natural home remedies which are so much more beneficial. There are hundreds of remedies that we can heal them with. We often have many of these ingredients already in our homes.
Find out how you can use natural heartworm prevention to treat your dog. Not only will you be able to take better care of the health of your pets, but you will also save thousands of dollars in veterinary bills. Veterinarians in many instances overly treat our animals and give them countless yearly vaccinations which are actually harmful to our pets.
You can help your dog with natural heartworm prevention, as well as many other medications and treatments at home.
The #1 recommended natural pet home remedy guide will show you everything you need to take care of your dog at home.
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