Symptoms of heartworm in dogs usually manifest after the parasites have infected the dog’s bloodstream and traveled to the heart, where they multiply and grow. When the worms start moving through the veins towards the lungs, the dog’s veins become irritated and this usually produces a dry cough.
Other symptoms of heartworm in dogs are shortness of breath, weight loss and inactivity. As the internal organs of the dogs are attacked, they get weaker and start developing pain in their organs as well. In advanced stages you sometimes see bulging of the chest, as well as heart failure and pulmonary disease.
Cats show some of the same signs as dogs, such as cough, shortness of breath, tiring easily. But sometimes they show no signs at all, and just die suddenly.
Treatment of heartworm is very dangerous. Cats do not respond well to treatment, and about 50 percent die. Dogs respond better depending on their immune system. However, they have to undergo a two step treatment: first, they are administered potent doses of arsenic intravenously or intramuscularly; then, they are treated with either ivermectin or milbemycin, which can produce coma or death. This treatment, if survived, is very damaging to the health of the dog.
Even though you might think that preventative heartworm medication is the way to go because it is effective, the conventional way to treat dogs and cats is through pills that contain insecticides and have serious consequences as well. In fact, The American Veterinary Medical Association has found that 48% of all reported deaths in pets are caused by heartworm preventives. This is pretty alarming!
The only safe way to treat your pet and prevent symptoms of heartworm is through natural pet home remedies that do not contain chemicals that have such harmful effects on their health. You can take charge of your pet’s health and ensure that he is receiving the best care. Learn the natural measures to prevent heartworm.
Just like heartworm preventives, most of the medications prescribed to our pets are very toxic and are shortening their lives and making them suffer by deteriorating their organs. The animal health care industry is very profitable and there are many things they would rather not tell us.
There are hundreds of pet home remedies to prevent and heal illnesses. You probably have some of these remedies at home already. You will not only be giving the best health care to your pet, but also saving thousands in veterinary bills.
Here is the #1 recommended guide to prevent symptoms of heartworm as well as other illnesses.
Heal your pet at home with natural pet home remedies that work.
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