If your dog shows symptoms of kennel cough the first thing you need to do is isolate him from other pets you may have. Kennel cough is extremely contagious among animals, not just dogs. Rabbits, guinea pigs, pigs, and cats can get kennel cough. It could spread quickly if you don’t take immediate precautions.
Make sure to wash all your blankets and rags that you use for your infected pet so that you don’t use it on other pets. Wash all his bowls and be careful not to share anything while your dog is showing symptoms of kennel cough, and for a while afterwards.
Kennel cough is passed by bacteria in the air from one animal to another in close proximity in an enclosed environment. Kennels, boarding homes, and dog shows are places where this disease is prone to spread. Sometimes whole kennels have had to be shut down because of the spread of a kennel cough epidemic.
Symptoms of kennel cough appear after about a week. Your dog will start coughing a lot with a sound that seems as if he has something stuck in his throat. But he will not become listless or feverish. He will usually cough up phlegm after rounds of cough. As long as the color of the phlegm is light and he seems to be in good spirits, the disease will probably take its course and go away on its own in about 10 days or two weeks.
If the dog is still showing the symptoms of kennel cough after 3 weeks and if he becomes weak or has dark phlegm, then he will need to be treated immediately, as he has developed a secondary bacterial infection which could be fatal if left untreated.
The healthier the dog the best chance he has of getting rid of the disease fast, or not getting it at all. That is why the best thing is to build your dog’s immune system with a healthy diet and natural pet home remedies. They work just as well as conventional veterinary medications, but do not produce all the side effects.
Find out how you can take charge of your dog’s health by building up his immune system. The bordatella vaccine, which conventional veterinaries use to prevent kennel cough, is highly toxic and can produce numerous side effects, including lack of energy, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, debility, and even death.
You can prevent symptoms of kennel cough using natural pet home remedies, many of which you may already have at home. You will be giving the best health care to your dog and saving thousands on vet bills as well.
Here is the #1 guide for symptoms of kennel cough. Join the thousands of animal lovers who are getting great results. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/symptoms-of-kennel-cough
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