Kennel cough is an upper respiratory disease which causes inflammation to the trachea and a hacking cough. Other symptoms of kennel cough include runny noses and watery eyes. The dog remains alert and eats as usual.
The coughing is continuous and the dog coughs up white or cream colored mucous. The disease usually runs its course in about two weeks. You can help your dog by maintaining him with minimal activity, giving him lots of water, vaporizing treatments and honey for the soreness in his throat.
You should be watchful that your dog does not develop a fever or becomes lethargic. If he does, and if he starts coughing up dark color phlegm, veterinary treatment should be sough immediately, as these are symptoms of a secondary bacterial infection which could lead to pneumonia and death.
The best prevention for kennel cough is a good immune system. A dog with a good immune system is able to fight the symptoms of kennel cough and recover his health quickly.
There are natural pet home remedies that are very helpful to improve your dog’s immune system, instead of using the synthetic chemicals that conventional medicine uses for prevention. For example, it is becoming more and more evident that the bordatella vaccine, which is used to prevent kennel cough, is very harmful to the animals, and can cause severe damage to their immune system.
You can treat symptoms of kennel cough with natural pet home remedies that will enhance your dog’s health. Take charge of your dot’s health the safe, natural way, and save money on vet bills by doing it.
Here is the #1 pet home remedy for symptoms of kennel cough. For more information visit http://www.squidoo.com/symptoms-of-kennel-cough
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