Feline heartworm is contracted when a mosquito which is infected with heartworm larvae bites a cat, injecting this parasite into the cat’s bloodstream. This larvae travels to the heart where it matures into adult heartworms. Cats are not as great hosts for this parasite, allowing less reproduction than dogs, but still even a couple of adult heartworms could possibly cause the death of a cat.
The symptoms of feline heartworm are usually vomiting, coughing, anorexia and lethargy. Sometimes a cat just suddenly dies from heartworm without much warning.
Treatment for feline heartworm is not very successful. About fifty percent of cats die from the treatment itself. This is because they are treated with arsenic, which of course is a poison which causes so many side effects that many times it leads to death.
But even the so called “preventative medicine” that conventional veterinarians prescribe is harmful. First of all, it is not really preventative. It does not prevent the onset of the disease. What it does is it kills the larvae once the disease is contracted and does not allow it to mature.
What you might not know is that while this medication is successful in preventing the development of heartworm, it is made up of pesticides and synthetic chemicals which are very taxing on the liver and kidneys of your cat. This sometimes produces vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.
But the worst part is that the body has to work so hard to get rid of these chemicals which it recognizes as poison, that the cat’s immune system is damaged. The liver and kidneys suffer. And many other diseases are associated to this including allergies, arthritis, and even some forms of cancer.
Just like the treatment for heartworm, a lot of the conventional prescribed medications are full of harmful chemicals which are shortening the lives of our pets. The pet health care industry makes billions of dollars, and there are many things that they do not want to tell you.
The good news is that there are many people that have recognized that conventional medicine for animals is causing a lot of harm to the pets they love. They have found a much better way to treat them, with natural home remedies.
I think you will agree that it is important to give our pets the best health care, whether for feline heartworm or any other illness. You can do this by using home remedies that you may already have at home, instead of harmful drugs. And you can save yourself hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars using these natural remedies, and building your animal’s immune system to be really able to fight off diseases, instead of weakening them with harmful chemicals.
In just a moment, you will find out that there are hundreds of natural home remedies that you can use to heal your cat. Here is the #1 recommended guide to learn how to prevent your cat’s feline heartworm the natural way and make him healthy and strong while doing it.
Give your cat the best treatment with natural pet home remedies.
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