Fleas and ticks are a real nightmare. You have to be very vigilant of your pets to make sure that they are not infested with fleas and ticks. If you discover your animal has fleas or ticks, you should treat them as soon as possible, to prevent severe health problems.
Fleas and ticks are more prevalent in warmer climates, but can attack anywhere. They are both blood suckers and cause anemia and debilitation in your pets. They attach themselves to your pet and bite him, making him extremely uncomfortable and causing diseases.
Fleas jump from animal to animal or from the environment to the animal and attach themselves to the animal. Ticks do not jump. They attach themselves through physical contact, usually when an animal passes by. They are more common in tall shrubs and wooded areas.
Fleas infestations that are left untreated can cause skin infection on your pet. These infections can be very serious and even lead to death.
Ticks are carriers of many diseases, the most common one being lyme disease, which causes severe joint pain and limping to animals. They can also bite humans, who also have to be treated with antibiotics.
Find out your options for treating your pets if they have fleas and ticks. Conventional pet health care treats pets with many chemicals which are very dangerous to your pets. The pet health care industry is very big and profitable, and they do not disclose this. Many of the cures that are commonly prescribed to our pets by veterinarians can severely harm their organs and cause serious damage.
Whether it be fleas or ticks or any other problem, learn how you can treat your pets with natural remedies. You can learn how to take care of your pets at home with home remedies that you often already have in your home. Find out how you can contribute to the wellbeing of your pet, and save thousands of dollars doing it.
Find out about treating fleas and ticks. Learn from someone who is an expert in the field of animal health care. He is a veterinarian who lost his own dog to conventional medicine practice, and has since been dedicated to educate people on the use of natural home remedies.
Join the thousands who are already experiencing the results of caring for their animals with natural home remedies. They love the results they see in their pets.
Natural Remedies for Fleas