Heartworm is contracted when a mosquito that carries this infected larvae bites a dog or cat, injecting this larvae into the bloodstream of the animal. It’s a little different in dogs than in cats, as the dog is a little more prone to the disease. Also the parasites tend to reproduce in much larger numbers in dogs than in cats. However, only a couple of worms can cause the death of a cat.
The first symptoms of heartworm usually appear after the worms have reached the heart of the animal, which takes about 3 months. When the parasites start traveling from the heart to the lungs, they cause irritation to the surrounding veins, and this usually produces a dry cough in the animal. However, even this is not necessarily an indication of heartworm, as it is not rare for an animal to have a cough. It could be confused for a respiratory problem or even a cold. There may be other symptoms such as fatigue and inactivity.
If the disease is finally diagnosed, it is very hard to treat. About 50 percent of the cats which undergo treatment die anyway. Dogs respond a little better to treatment, but the treatment is very serious and life threatening.
What is important to know is this. Even if the animal survives the treatment, this treatment is done with potent doses of arsenic, which is very damaging to the organs of the animal. Then the arsenic is followed up by another drug which can produce coma or even death.
It is absolutely necessary to prevent heartworm with natural heartworm prevention. The conventional way of heartworm prevention also uses insecticides and synthetic chemicals which adversely affect the internal organs of the animals. Over time, this treatment causes extensive damage to the liver and kidneys, and the immune systems of our pets suffer extensively.
The statistics are scary: The American Veterinary Medical Association has found that 48% of all reported deaths in pets are caused by heartworm preventives. We are not told these statistics. Just like heartworm, many of the other medications prescribed by the animal health care industry are full of toxins which shorten the lives of our animals.
So, as you can see, there is absolutely no other way than to take care of our animals with natural heartworm prevention and other natural home remedies. You can take charge of your animal’s health care. There are hundreds of natural pet home remedies that are used to prevent illnesses and also heal your pet. You probably have many of these remedies at home already. Learn how you can take the best care of your pet with proper diet and building his immune system, and save thousands of dollars in veterinary bills.
This is the #1 recommended guide for natural heartworm prevention.
Take care of your pet’s health with natural pet home remedies for his continued wellbeing and improved health.
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